The decision to neuter is an emotional subject for many new pet owners. We understand your concern. Everyone just wants the best for your new companion. One of the best ways you can support your pet is by neutering them as it keeps them healthy and helps ensure every dog and cat in Ireland is wanted. Kilkenny SPCA  can help you manage neutering costs so get in touch to learn about our neutering voucher program and participating vets and you can download an application form here.

Ultimately, all of us have a role to play in ensuring that every dog and cat in Ireland is wanted and well-looked after.

Subsidised Neutering Scheme

The Kilkenny SPCA operates a subsidised neutering scheme with some of the local vets to assist with the cost of the operation (neutering and spaying in cats, dogs, and other animals) in certain cases. Neutering Vouchers can save you at least 1/3rd, possibly 2/3rd depending on your circumstances (the latter applies to unemployed and senior citizens). Please contact us for more information.

1. You Protect Your Pet’s Health

Population control is already an excellent reason to take your pet to see the vet. But spaying and neutering offers more than pregnancy prevention. It can also prevent diseases and help your pet live a long, healthy life.

Among females, spaying helps your pet manage the reproductive cycle and the changes that come with it. It also prevents an infection called pyometra, which occurs when your dog’s womb becomes infected. Pyometra occurs in 23% of females who aren’t spayed, and it can kill your dog.

Spaying also reduces the likelihood of mammary tumours in both female dogs and cats. Female cats are particularly likely to face mammary growths. They’re the third most common form of tumour and 80% of mammary tumours are cancerous.

What does castration do for male dogs and cats? The big benefit beyond population control is the reduction of incidence of cancer. Castration prevents testicular cancer and reduces the risk of tumours of the perineum.

2. You Promote Good Behaviour

We all know that intact pets tend to produce problem behaviour, particularly as they go through puberty and try to navigate their fertility. Neutering and spaying help your pet by removing reproduction from the equation.

Among female cats, spaying prevents the anti-social behaviour your female cat displays when she’s ready to get pregnant. When a cat is in season, she becomes agitated, and if she’s in the house, she can act out. The same is true of dogs who experience behavioural changes along with their six-month reproductive cycles. Among cats, neutering reduces the risk of fighting as well as the risk of feline leukaemia and FIV.

Castration also helps deal with problem behaviour in males. It not only reduces dominance, but it can help your male dog settle in with a companion. Two castrated males are much more likely to get along then two intact males. It also helps with other less desirable behaviour, like roaming and of course, ‘dry humping’. An intact male will do whatever they can to find a mate, including roaming the county and…propositioning your sofa cushions. Dogs who roam in search of a mate are more likely to get knocked down on the road or fight with other males.

Plus, spaying and neutering prevents spraying. An unneutered animal is more likely to mark their territory – all over your carpet, walls, and furniture.

3. Help Control Animal Populations

Every spring, Ireland welcomes thousands of new puppies and kittens. Unfortunately, too many of them don’t have a home. When those animals end up in local authority pounds, the pound may have to make the decision to put them down. Local authority dog pounds across Ireland destroy 40 dogs every week. There are no records regarding the euthanasia of cats and kittens, but unwanted, sick, or feral cats often face the same fate.  Many of those animals could have led better lives if there were fewer unplanned animal pregnancies in Ireland.